We work with a wide range of individuals, including people with:
Speech and language disorder
Fine motor difficulties
Sensory processing difficulties
Anxiety and depression
Learning disabilities
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
School phobia
This is not an exhaustive list and we can work with people in any of the following groups: pre-school children, school aged children and young adults.
The only criteria is that people have participation goals.
We are a named provider for the Local Authority for both SEND services and Alternative Provision.
Referrals can be sent to us directly by parents, school or if the young person has an EHCP via their case worker in the START team.
Pricing: Sessions for individuals: £100 per hour. Price includes both therapists and at least one dog.
Room hire is an additional cost if needed up to a maximum of £20 per hour.
We frequently work out of a community venue in Chesterton (North Cambridge) and also in schools, homes and in the community, depending on goals. As we are a small service we usually see young people based in Cambridge and the surrounding villages.